# External plugins # See http://ixti.net/software/2013/01/28/using-jekyll-plugins-on-github-pages.html for making `jekyll archives` work. plugins: - jekyll-archives # Sorry, not GitHub pages friendly! - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-paginate-v2 exclude: - "/vendor/" # Site settings title: Centrarium subtitle: "A simple yet classy theme for your Jekyll website or blog" email: blcentra@gmail.com name: Ben Centra description: > A simple yet classy theme for your Jekyll website or blog. # Base URL of site (i.e. /blog). It should always start with a slash, # and never end with a slash. Set it to a blank value if hosting at the # root of your server. baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/ url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site cover: "/assets/header_image.jpg" logo: "/assets/logo.png" # Build settings markdown: kramdown inter_post_navigation: false highlightjs_theme: "monokai-sublime" # Pagination Settings # https://github.com/sverrirs/jekyll-paginate-v2/blob/master/README-GENERATOR.md#site-configuration pagination: enabled: true per_page: 5 permalink: "/page/:num/" sort_reverse: true # Archive settings (see https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-archives/) jekyll-archives: enabled: - categories - tags layout: 'archive' permalinks: category: '/category/:name/' tag: '/tag/:name/' # Disqus comments # disqus_shortname: bencentra # Google analytics # ga_tracking_id: "UA-XXXX-1" # Category descriptions (for archive pages) descriptions: - cat: jekyll desc: "Posts describing Jekyll setup techniques." - cat: dummy desc: "Just some placeholder posts, lorem ipsum and the rest." # Social icons and sharing options # # Social settings are used in two places: # * In the footer, as links to your personal profiles # * After each blog post for sharing widgets # # Example: # # social: # - name: Twitter # Name of the service # icon: twitter # Font Awesome icon to use (minus fa- prefix) # username: "@TheBenCentra" # (User) Name to display in the footer link # url: https://twitter.com/TheBenCentra # URL of your profile (leave blank to not display in footer) # desc: Follow me on Twitter # Description to display as link title, etc # share: true # Include in the "Share" section of posts social: - name: Twitter icon: twitter username: TheBenCentra url: https://twitter.com/TheBenCentra desc: Follow me on Twitter share: true - name: Facebook icon: facebook username: thebencentra url: "" desc: Friend me on Facebook share: true - name: GitHub icon: github username: bencentra url: https://github.com/bencentra desc: Fork me on GitHub share: false - name: LinkedIn icon: linkedin username: Ben Centra url: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/ben-centra/47/769/60a desc: Connect with me on LinkedIn share: true - name: Google+ icon: google-plus username: "" url: "" desc: Add me to your Circles share: true - name: YouTube icon: youtube username: "" url: "" desc: Subscribe on YouTube share: false - name: Instagram icon: instagram username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on Instagram share: false - name: Pinterest icon: pinterest username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on Pinterest share: true - name: SoundCloud icon: soundcloud username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on SoundCloud share: false - name: Tumblr icon: tumblr username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on Tumblr share: false - name: Steam icon: steam username: "" url: "" desc: Friend me on Steam share: false - name: Dribbble icon: dribbble username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on Dribble share: false - name: Vimeo icon: vimeo-square username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on Vimeo share: false - name: Vine icon: vine username: "" url: "" desc: Follow me on Vine share: false - name: Reddit icon: reddit username: "" url: "" desc: Share to Reddit share: true - name: "Hacker News" icon: hacker-news username: "" url: "" desc: Share to Hacker News share: false # Social sharing protocols # These are for automatically generating sharing metadata for FB and Twitter # OS Protocol is for sharing the source of your site, if you're interested. For more, see osprotocol.com protocols: fb_image: "/assets/logo.png" fb_image_width: 612 fb_image_height: 605 fb_image_type: "image/png" twitter_image: "/assets/logo.png" os_repo: "https://github.com/bencentra/centrarium.com" os_rcs_type: "git" os_src: "git@github.com:bencentra/centrarium.com.git"