ACCESS_ERROR_CODE = 4700 AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_CODE = 4701 ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR_CODE = 4703 NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE = 4704 MISSING_ERROR_CODE = 4705 DEPRECIATED_ERROR_CODE = 4706 BAD_REQUEST_ERROR_CODE = 4710 FAILED_ACCESS_ERROR_CODE = 4712 class AccessException(Exception): """ Happens when the API is not enabled. Error code: 4700. """ pass class AuthenticationException(Exception): """ Happens in faulty authentication or when the session expires. Error code: 4701. """ pass class AccessDeniedException(Exception): """ Happens when the request method is not enabled. Error code: 4703 """ pass class NotFoundException(Exception): """ Happens when the requested object couldn't be found. Error code: 4704 """ pass class MissingMethodException(Exception): """ Happens when the client requests a method the API doesn't implement. Error code: 4705 """ pass class DepreciatedMethodException(Exception): """ Happens when a given method is deprecated. Error code: 4706. """ pass class BadRequestException(Exception): """ Happens when the API recieves a wrongly formed request. Error code: 4710. """ pass class FailedAccessException(Exception): """ Happens when the object or method can't be accessed by a given user. Error code: 4712. """ pass